IIT Roorkee invites applications for MBA Programme 2015
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee Applications for MBA Programme 2015
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee Admission Process for MBA Programme 2015
IIT Roorkee has invited applications for admission to MBA programmes 2015. The last date for accepting applications is January 13, 2015. Competitor who are ready to seek MBA course 2015 at IIT Roorkee can request affirmation on their authorised site. The accepting process of applications is starting from 28 December 2015.
Important Dates
The last date to apply online is January 13, 2015.
Admission Eligibility Criteria
Bachelor’s degree in any discipline of Engineering / Technology with first class or its equivalent, or a Master’s degree with first class or equivalent in any discipline from a recognized Institution or University. Final year students are also eligible to apply. Such candidates, if selected, will be admitted provisionally, provided they complete all requirements for the qualifying degree with minimum percentage and CGPA or its equivalent by the specified date.
Candidates of General / OBC category seeking admission to the MBA program must have at least 60% marks or CGPA of 6.00 on a 10 point scale at qualifying degree level; but for SC / ST / PD category candidates, this percentage is 55% or 5.50 CGPA on a 10 point scale. The percentage will be considered on the basis of aggregate marks/CGPA awarded in qualifying degree examination.
Candidates belonging to OBC category must submit photo copy of category certificate only in the format available on the website; OBC Non-creamy layer certificate should have been issued after 31.03.2014 by a competent authority and duly attested by Gazetted Officer. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PD must submit the requisite certificate from a competent authority as given in Annexure-1 on prescribed format by Govt. of India at the time of Interview/GD. The photocopies of the same be sent alongwith Completed Application Form.
Initial short listing of candidates, for sending invitation letters for Interview / GD, shall be done on the basis of their performance in CAT 2014. The final merit for making offers of admission to the Program will be on the basis of their aggregate performance in the Written Test (CAT 2014) followed by Group Discussion, Interview and their Work Experience as per respective weightages given below:-
CAT Percentile 65%
Group Discussions 10%
Interview 20%
Work experience 5%
Candidates will have to appear for Interview / GD at IITR at their own expense.
These essential eligibility requirements are applicable to all categories of candidates, viz. regular, full-time sponsored and foreign candidates. Other conditions for these categories are as follows:
Regular Candidates
Final year students of relevant undergraduate programs who have completed the requirements of qualifying examination can also apply. Such candidates will be required to submit a certificate as per the Proforma given in Annexure-2A & 2B at the time of Interview / GD. In case of non-availability of the marks of final examination at the time of the Interview / GD due to delay in the announcement of their results, candidates may be allowed to appear in the Interview / GD on the basis of their aggregate results upto pre-final year in which the percentage should not be less than as specified above under essential requirements. However, they will be required to submit the proof of having passed the qualifying examination with the required percentage or CGPA latest by September 30, 2015.
Full-Time Sponsored Candidates
The candidates must have a minimum of two years of full-time work experience in responsible
capacity in a Registered Firm / Company / Industry / Educational and Research Institution / Govt. / Quasi Govt. / Autonomous Organization in the relevant field in which admission is being sought. The Firm / Company / Industry shall either be a public sector undertaking or a public limited company registered in a stock exchange or a private concern whose annual turnover during the past two years exceeds Rs. 5 crores. The Educational Institution should be recognized by AICTE. The candidate shall submit a duly filled up Annexure-3 by the sponsoring institution.
No. of Seats
The number of seats available in the MBA Program is presently 95.
As per Government of India rules.
Application Process
In MBA 2015, candidates need to register and fill the application ONLINE only from next day of declaration of CAT-2014 results by accessing http://pgadm.iitr.ernet.in on or before January 13, 2015 and download the online filled application and bank challan simultaneously. Then the fee must be deposited in the State Bank of India through bank challan on next working day. The application process is completed only when a print out of the filled ONLINE application with the candidate’s signature, IITR copy of bank challan and a good quality photo affixed in the appropriate places is sent to the Chairman, PG Admissions Office, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee - 247 667, Uttarakhand along with necessary documents (i.e. CAT Scorecard, result of qualifying exam and OBC/SC/ST/PD category certificate if any), on or before January 17, 2015.
Application Fee
Rs. 1600/-
All SC / ST / PD candidates
Rs. 800/-
How to Apply
Before applying, candidates are advised to read the “Admission Process for MBA Programme 2015” carefully.
Candidates must follow the following Steps while applying online Application Form.
Step 1: Apply Online
Apply for MBA Programme.
Finalize Application Form
Download Application Form and Bank Challan simultaneously (Take a print out of the entire file on A4 size white sheets)
Step 2: Deposit of Fee on next working day after finalizing the online application.
Deposit the above fee in any branch of State Bank of India throughout the country on or before January 14, 2015. (Bank Service Charges of Rs. 40/- is extra) on downloaded bank challan alongwith completed application form.
Bank will retain a copy and will return two copies to you. Out of these two copies, retain the Candidate’s copy with you and attach the IITR’s copy with the application form.
Note: The fee will not be accepted through any other mode.
Step 3:
Paste your recent photographs (4.5 cm X 3.5 cm) at the designated places. Sign at the designated places.
Step 4: Post / SubmissionBefore posting your application form, make sure that, in addition to the other relevant attachments as indicated below:
Copy of CAT Scorecard
Attested copies of the marksheets, degree certificate or provisional certificate of qualifying degree if they have passed their qualifying degree.
Copy of OBC / SC / ST / PD category certificate, if any.
Duly filled-in Application with appropriate enclosures must be sent by Speed Post or by Registered Post or it can be handed over personally to The Chairman, PG Admissions Office, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, ROORKEE-247667, Uttarakhand so as to reach him on or before January 17, 2015.
Program Fee*
For Regular Students: Tuition Fee
Rs. 1,00,000 per Semester
The above-mentioned tuition fee (Rs. 1,00,000/- per semester) shall not be charged from the SC/ST students.
The above-mentioned fee shall be applicable to Indian Citizens and Indian Citizen Overseas.
This fee does not include security, mess charges, mess security and other charges.
Admission Procedure & Cancellation of Admission
As mentioned above, initial short listing of the candidates who have applied for admission to IITR shall be done on the basis of their performance in the CAT 2014 Examination and a certain number of candidates shall be invited for Interview/GD. Invitation letters shall be sent to the candidates short listed for interview at their respective mailing addresses indicated in the application form. This information will also be available on the website. The Institute will not be responsible for non/delayed delivery of intimation letters or for any postal delay.
At the time of interview/GD, candidates must bring with them the originals and one set of attested copies of the following documents:-
Score card of CAT 2014;
Certificates & mark sheets of all years / semesters of the qualifying examination;
Certificate & mark sheets of High School, Secondary School Certificate or equivalent examination;
Category certificate of OBC/SC/ST/PD issued by competent authority on prescribed format by Govt. of India and medical certificate to support the physically handicapped status, if applicable
Candidates belonging to OBC category must submit Xeroxed copy of category certificate as per GOI, the format of the same is also available on the Institute Website, OBC Non-creamy layer certificate should have been issued after 31.03.2014 by a competent authority and duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
Certificate in respect of work experience, if any
Based on their aggregate performance in CAT, Interview, Group Discussion and Work Experience, a merit list shall be drawn for offering provisional admission to the Program. Provisional admission offers shall be sent by post at the respective mailing addresses of successful candidates as indicated in the application form. This information will also be available on the Institute website. The Institute will not be responsible for non/delayed delivery of offer letters or for any postal delay.
The candidates offered provisional admission should deposit full fee latest by the date specified in the provisional admission offer letter failing which their candidature for admission may stand cancelled. The fee is to be paid in the form of Crossed Demand Draft in favour of “Registrar, IIT Roorkee” payable at Roorkee to be sent to the “Chairman, PG Admission-14, PG Admission Office, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee – 247 667”. A system of registration is followed for all the students joining the Institute. The selected candidates will have to register personally on such date as may be intimated in this regard. At the time of registration, the candidate is required to fill up registration cards, prove his/her eligibility by showing original documents as asked for as well as a set of Xerox copies duly attested and get himself/herself registered as per list of documents given below (Sl.No. 1-10). After registration, students should report to the concerned Head of the Department and submit the joining report. The proof of joining the Institute shall be the registration card and the fee receipt. Regular classes will start as per the time schedule declared by the Institute.
Admission Offer;
Medical Certificate of Fitness in the prescribed proforma;
Fifteen recent photographs (12 passport size and 3 stamp size);
Transfer Certificate/Migration Certificate;
Reserved Category Certificate on prescribed format by Govt. of India, if applicable;
Attested copies of mark sheets of all years/semesters and degree certificate in respect of qualifying examinations;
CAT Scorecard;
Relevant Certificate given in Annexure-2A/2B or 3, if applicable;
Certificate of Character & Good Conduct from the Head of the Institution last attended;
Certificate of physical disability, if required.
No refund of fees will be permissible to the students who have registered for the Program but did not join subsequently or who leave the Program after joining. In such cases, only security and mess balance will be refunded.
If any seats remain vacant after the registration, the same may be offered to the wait listed candidates in order of merit on the date decided by the Institute but before close of admission. Wait listed candidates desirous of availing this opportunity should report in person at the Institute at such date as will be intimated to them for the purpose either through e.mail and or Institute website. They should come prepared with the requisite fee and all necessary documents (listed above) and be able to register themselves by depositing full fee in case the admission is offered as classes will start thereafter.
The Institute has the right to cancel at any stage the admission of a candidate who is admitted to a course to which he or she is not entitled being unqualified or ineligible in accordance with the statutes and regulations in force.
Disputes, if any, arising out of or relating to any matter whatsoever concerning admissions to the MBA Program at IITR shall be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Roorkee.
Last Date for Receiving Printout of Completed Application for admission to MBA Programme (2015-2017) with the candidate’s signature and a good quality photo affixed in the appropriate places to the Chairman, PG Admissions Office, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand along with necessary documents (i.e. CAT Scorecard, result of qualifying exam and OBC/SC/ST/PD category certificate if any) is January 17, 2015.
Contact Details
Chairman PG Admission
PG Admission Office
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee-247 667, Uttarakhand, INDIA
Phone: 91-1332-285875 Fax: 91-1332-285874
E-mail: pgadm@iitr.ernet.in
http://www.iitr.ac.in OR www.iitr.ernet.in
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Source : http://indiatoday.intoday.in
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